很搞笑的冷笑话哦 !






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Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery.昨日已成往事,未来还未可知。


There are no accidents.世间无巧合。

You just need to believe .You must believe.你所要做的就是相信,你必须完全相信。

剧情简介 · · · · · ·


梦工厂对这部重头戏非常重视,除了出动《怪物史瑞克》、《马达加斯加》班底精心构思故事、设计角色,钻研最先进的电脑特技外,更请来最星光熠熠的声演阵容,包括搞笑巨星杰克·布莱克( Jack Black )声演熊猫阿宝、金像影帝达斯汀·霍夫曼( Dustin Hoffman )声演施福大师、成龙大哥声演灵猴、性感巨星安吉丽娜·朱丽( Angelina Jolie )声演飞虎女、《霹雳天使》华裔红星刘玉玲( Lucy Liu )声演毒蛇,如此强劲卡士绝对前所未见!

梦工厂CEO杰弗瑞·卡森伯格( Jeffrey Katzenberg...

功夫熊猫    链接:

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问题一:功夫熊猫主要讲的是什么?? 在宁静祥和的和平谷里,生活着一群悠闲可爱的动物。其中,胖胖的熊猫波(杰克・布莱克配音)作为面馆里的服务生,一向以好吃懒做而闻名。不过,善良诚实的他倒也常得到人们的喜爱。然而,一只凶猛邪恶的雪豹泰龙(伊恩・麦克肖恩配音)的闯入,使得和平谷里的人们遭遇了前所未有的威胁。为了,尽早铲除恶豹,和平谷的居民们准备召集各路好汉,以比武大会的形式推选出最强悍之人前去迎敌。熊猫波爱凑热闹的毛病,竟让包括浣熊师父(达斯汀・霍夫曼配音)、猴子大师(成龙配音)、毒蛇大师(刘玉玲配音)、丹顶鹤大师(戴维・克罗斯配音)、老虎大师(安吉莉娜・朱莉配音)、螳螂大师(塞斯・罗根配音)等几位身怀绝技的高手,认定熊猫波是上天安排的拯救和平谷之人。


问题二:功夫熊猫主要讲了一个什么故事? 好山清水秀的和平谷有点类似武当山,因为同样都住着一群武林高手。然而不同的是,和平谷中的武林高手,全都是动物。









问题三:功夫熊猫好看吗?里面讲述了什么 从前有个谷,



庙里有只老乌龟,名叫乌龟大师,英文名“Master Wu Gui”。

乌龟有个老朋友,姓师名傅,英文名叫Master Xi Fu,所以他的中文全名就是师傅师傅。做师傅做到连师傅的名称都垄断了,可见他是天下第一厉害的师傅。


为啥他们的名字都这么可爱呢?原来他们都是谷里的独苗。谷里的居民,1/4鸭子,1/4兔子,1/4猪,本来还有1/4犀牛的,不过他们都被派去看犯人了。另外,谷里共有:乌龟一只、师傅一个、老虎一只、仙鹤一只、猴子一只、蛇一条、螳螂一只。所以,乌龟就叫Wu Gui,老虎就叫泰戈尔、蛇就叫史耐克……




之前《功夫熊猫》的导演说:“《功夫熊猫》是献给中国的情书”。本来以为这位老兄是讨好中国观众呢,没想到一看还真是不假。我甚至觉得从来没有在银幕上看到过这么美的中国。虽然片子里的景色都是电脑画出来的,但美工对中国山水特色的把握十分精当,加上色彩调配得十分梦幻,简直把中国拍得像仙境一样美。(疯狂钻[email protected] 原创)这部片子在对中国元素的理解和把握上,比之前同样哈中国的《功夫之王》强了太多倍,《功夫之王》乍一看全都是最典型的中国武侠元素,合在一起的效果却要有多别扭就有多别扭。而《功夫熊猫》就几乎没有一点这样的生硬,所有的中国元素都表现得很得当。












问题四:功夫熊猫三主要讲了些什么 故事发生在很久以前的古代中国,而且要从一只喜欢滚来滚去、滚来滚去的大熊猫身上说起。话说熊猫阿宝是一家面条店的学徒,虽然笨手笨脚,也勉强算是谋到了一份职业,可是阿宝天天百无禁忌地做着白日梦,梦想着自己有一天能够在功夫的世界里与明星级的大人物进行一场巅峰之战。别看阿宝所在的“和平谷”一派欣欣向荣的安详景象,其实是一个卧虎藏龙的风水宝地,先不说五大功夫高手皆坐镇于此,更有一大师级别的宗师在这里隐居,可是在一场特殊的比武大会上胜出的人要代表“和平谷”将邪恶的大龙永久地驱除出去,啥都不会的阿宝却在经历了一系列阴差阳错之后屏雀中选,让所有人都大跌眼镜。 “和平谷”的五位功夫大师对种戏剧性的结果持各种不同的态度:一身正气 、勇敢无畏老虎大师将阿宝看成了一个名副其实的笑话;友好、顽皮却很热心肠的猴子大师则是一副看好戏的有趣神情;仙鹤大师是五人中最具“母性”的那一位,他很同情阿宝;自负的毒蛇大师虽然给人的感觉稍显轻浮,但对这件事的态度就有如她善变的性格,不太明朗;螳螂大师算是几位高手中最聪明的一个,对阿宝的现状很是无奈,总是暗中帮忙。 最后要将阿宝 *** 成“功夫高手”的一代宗师“师父”华丽丽地出场了,然而有着一身好功夫并不意味着就是完美的,“师父”因为过去犯下的一个错误,一直纠结着没办法释然。他的任务,就是将那个软弱、除了做面条什么都不会的阿宝训练成一个拥有着足够的武术技巧、可以打败强大敌人的顶级战士。 至于那个让人人都如临大敌的大龙,则是一只非常自恋的雪豹,他等待复仇的这一天,已经整整等了20年了,可是他做梦也没想到,自己等来的竟然是一只大熊猫。激烈的战斗后,阿宝以自己对武功的悟性和师父传授的武术,战胜了大龙,拯救了山谷,为山谷带来了和平。

问题五:功夫熊猫二的主要讲的是什么 山清水秀的和平谷有点类似武当山,因为同样都住着一群武林高手。然而不同的是,和平谷中的武林高手,全都是动物。









问题六:功夫熊猫2全篇讲了什么? 凤凰城自古以来由孔雀一族掌管,因为他们发明了美丽的烟火,给人们带来了快乐。然而凤凰城的继承人沈王爷却不满足于这些,他发现了烟火阴暗可怕的一面,并且野心勃勃。他的父母得知后,十分担忧,请来羊仙姑为沈王爷算上一卦。羊仙姑预言:如果再这样下去,沈王爷迟早会惹大祸,而在那时,会有一名黑白相间的武士打败他。沈王爷想要改写自己的命运,率领手下捣毁了熊猫的村庄。后来沈王爷成功造出了火炮,扬言可以毁灭天下功夫。于是阿宝也不负众望,成为了神龙武士,在一次与强盗的战争中他隐约想起了自己的一点身世,带着对身世的迷惑,前去凤凰城阻止王爷,这时沈王爷得知这世上还有阿宝这只熊猫的存在,也在命令手下抓他,阿宝和“盖世五侠”潜入凤凰城,结果遭遇沈王爷军队的追击,最后阿宝不仅了解到了自己的身世,还在对亲人的痛苦中悟到了内部的和平的真谛,还收获了来自于悍娇虎的爱情,终于打败了孔雀沈王爷。集中熊猫阿宝成为“神龙勇士”后,和他的朋友 飞虎女、仙鹤、猛螳螂、毒蛇、灵猴一起保护着他们居住的山谷。然而好景不长,强大的敌人孔雀出现,并计划用一个秘密武器征服武林、毁灭功夫。熊猫阿宝于是和他的朋友们踏上旅途,辗转整个中国寻找并摧毁那个武器。同时升为“神龙大侠”的阿宝接到师傅艰巨的任务,要准备他升为“神龙大侠”后的首次武林聚会,但这次聚会正好安排在过节的时候。以往这个日子,阿宝都是和鸭子爸一起在面条店度过的。面对这样的寰常“神龙大侠”也毫无头绪,在运用了自己的机智解决了所有的问题之后,面对所有的武林大侠,阿宝却怅然所失。直到典礼进行了,阿宝才突然发现,一切的武林荣誉在和老爸过节面前,都毫无意义。于是他赶回去和老爸做出美味面条招待朋友们,过上一个热闹的节日。中国传统的“孝道”在这部美国动画大片中被温暖地展现了出来。

问题七:《功夫熊猫》的主要内容是什么? 埂的是一只熊猫叫阿宝(很多人说是阿波,但我听得是阿宝),很胖,家里是做面条的,但他很想成为功夫大师。乌龟大师“选秀”时,他坐着鞭炮从天而降。乌龟认定它是传人,虽然他一无是处。它的使命是保护和平谷,打败大龙。他爱吃,所以师傅想出了一个教他武功的绝招----用食物诱惑他。后来,他凭借自己的天赋打败了大龙。我觉得这部电影虽然情节有些俗,但很搞笑,推荐看看!~不过我在想,为什么每一部电影所谓的“官方主要内容”都那么离谱呢?









2、片中的两个角色KG Shaw和JR Shaw是对在上个世纪七十年代制作了很多功夫电影的香港邵氏兄弟电影公司的致敬。





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功夫熊猫的简介 要英文,加中文翻译


The story took place long ago in ancient China, but also from one likes to roll, roll to roll to start with the pandas on ... ...

That panda is a noodle shop as an apprentice, although clumsy-handed, can barely find an occupation, but I do not like

Think, every day he no restrictions of any kind to daydreaming, his dream of one day big figures in the world of kung fu star and was a

A peak of the war. Don't look at Po 's " peaceful Valley " thriving serene scene, is in fact a crouching. Tiger, hidden.dragon Feng Shui treasure,

Do not say first five kung fu master is based on this, a Masters level master in seclusion here, but in a special tournament

- winning people to represent the " peaceful Valley " will the evil dragon permanently away, what would not A Bo but after a series of Yin

Poor Yang wrong after screen finch choose, let all surprised.

" Five Kung Fu Master peaceful Valley" a variety of attitudes of the dramatic results: upright, brave and fearless master tiger

Be worthy of the name of A Bo as a joke; friendly, naughty but very kind-hearted monkey master is one sees gamesome interesting expression;

The crane is the master of the five most " Motherhood" that one, he was very sympathetic awa; own master of the snakes while giving people the feeling slightly frivolous,

But the attitude on this matter if there is she changeable character, is less clear; Mantis master is one of the most intelligent of several master, he o

The wave is a helpless situation, always secretly help ... ... Finally, to awa-jiaocheng " Kung Fu Master " Maestro " master " gorgeous

Lili in the game, but a good effort does not mean that is perfect, " master " because of an error committed in the past, to the present

In all entangled in no way shiran. At present, his task, is the weakness that, in addition to doing what noodles are not the Awa training as a

Martial arts have the sufficient skills, can defeat a powerful enemy of the top fighters. As for that let everyone be on one's guard for the dragon, is a

Only very narcissism of the snow leopard, waiting for his revenge on this day, has been waiting for 20 years, but he had never dreamed of, oneself to

Is actually a giant panda.

Behind the scenes:

[ Panda " roll " into the Hollywood ]

Whether the green monster to retrieve my own entitlement -- " Shrek ", or a misfortune transferred out of the zoo,

Animal people trying to find your way home, " Madagascar ", DreamWorks Animation Department has been committed to the production of this kind of all ages

The audience loved the " idiot become a hero " animation story, because everyone has had a similar experience, or similar dreams, and

This type of entertainment based animation blockbuster, just to let them have some empathy, at least can cause you the moral level


So, when you hear a panda dreams of one day can be a kung fu master, this story will bring you a

What kind of feeling? Yes, that is a round, lassitude, torpor, attractive black and white bear, was his life

Should be holding a bamboo leisurely, but his heart was with a dream of the infinite, and that is a quick

Speed, spiritual level of deterrence and expert rapid reflexes light fighting art ... ... This is an awesome to

Method, maybe some people would call this " be more brave than wise ", but the so-called heroism, not all started in such a demand? Director John

Stephenson said: " I and another director Mark Osborn have been a father, I have two daughters, Osborn and have children of my own.

So our intention is very simple, is to make a can let the children enjoy the happiness at the same time and works of education, center

That is the spirit of ' and be your own hero ', reason very simple, you can be interpreted as ' never '. Do the same

, don't take the hope in others, as long as the real hard, you can get everything you want, try to put their best

That part of the show. " Then Osborn said: " from the beginning, this film has a special significance for me and Stephenson,

" Kung Fu Panda " to create a story theme, convey a very positive, positive and we are willing to believe that the information, and then

Think of ways to use the interesting experience and funny, spectacular anomaly action scenes will be the theme to enrich. "

For John Stephenson and Mark Osborn, have a good story ideas have ready plans to meet a situation, the following things will be easier

More, Stephenson said: " basically, we have made clear to extension direction, a more but also have to face the

An important problem, is to use what kind of method can reach our desired good end? We really want for this film gives a permanent

The constant theme, so will the story background in ancient China, but the content is not that the era of particular products, because

Great story is not subject to time limits -- we know clearly what they want should possess such qualities, a

The classic heroes of the growth story. Of course, as a film, " Kung Fu Panda " must be that both entertainment and

Humor funny movie, but also very cool action duel scene, however, our aim is not only to make a summer

The kind of cheerful, file usually appear bright film, Po the panda and his experiences, and the other is interspersed with

Interesting characters and creative visual effects ... ... In fact, we have been trying to move beyond that established film types. "

[ ] with the myth of life

Process of providing entertainment atmosphere and motivational information in decisions about a panda dream story whether can, two directors John

Stephenson and Mark Osborne's plan is to create a myth, especially the film relates to or " Panda" this creature, listen

It is like a story that happened in ancient china. Stephenson had previously as a TV serial story artist and illustrator has

Working for Jim Hansen, then in 1999 joined DreamWorks Animation Department, he said: " I have been at DreamWorks, and from there to

The director of an animated TV series " father of the pride ", I was the end of that season, do the preparatory work, when DreamWorks

Asked me if I wanted to make a film called " Kung Fu Panda " feature film ... ... When I was still in the growth of the last century 70's, kung fu films

Is I most loves, of course including David Carradine's TV series " Kung Fu ", I think this should be a very interesting

The challenge, so I answered without thinking: I would like to. "

John Stephenson said he has been in recent years from more conventional " talking animal " looking for a movie

New in order to be different, and around " Kung Fu Panda " concept of harmonious elements are derived in, also has affected his mood, because

For this he recalled from almost 10 years ago, in the depths of his heart agitated feelings, when he was part of the DreamWorks Animation

Product is busy, very few people pay attention to in the beginning, but later because the film 's creativity and recognized the film industry --

The rewrite the history of animated film " Shrek ".

Before " Shrek " has not officially opened, a man named Mark Osborne film on the film festival stop moving

Painting film " more " ( More ) created a very sensitive topic, " more " won the Oscar for Best Animated

Short film nomination at the same time, also created more chances, for this talented film director Osborn said: " one of those opportunities

From DreamWorks, I came here as a director, to find a suitable for their own movies, and worked on it for many years, do

Are generally chores, sometimes for a film written statement, sometimes when people don't determine what should be done, I help them.

Extension of the story. Later, I heard that the " Kung Fu Panda " news, I really think this story is a good idea, I wrote a for this film

Multiple annotations, soon after, when DreamWorks decided to take it on the big screen, let me also joined in. The time for this film

Tablets, we already have some distinctive character, and the site of the main story line, but they are still not sure to what

The development direction of it. I did have a " Kung Fu Panda " as a springboard, it not only helped me into the mainstream film industry, also will be the first time

Let me insight into the development of CGI technology. "

" The immortal myth story about Kung Fu Panda " in nature, is a panda as the central role of expansion, therefore,

DreamWorks spent a few years time, he wanted to film to find a reference point, but all the proposals have no way to let everyone involved.

Satisfied. Fortunately, the team with the help of ebullience, movie people finally mining to hide the very rich in the resources under the table.

Context, in fact, have to be inexhaustible point. With this wealth of material as the foundation stone, almost to the need to use the story

Show some characteristics of the.

Subsequently, two responsible for the exploration depth of content writers to join in, they are telling stories very talented Jonathan

Abel ( Jonathan Aibel ) and Glen Berger ( Glenn Berger ), Abel said: " I want to say is, we refine it in

Before, they do have a very great theme, Berger and I took a week, only to do their

Consultant, help them all with refinement: here are the need for what kind of scene? The role of the right place? How to make some

The details become the focus of attention for all? So, our job is to advise ... ... Then, a week of work a month,

And then extended to three months, finally turned into 19 months, we are totally immersed in it, identity from the consultant turned writer. "

Another writer Berger attention where you and Abel are not the same, he said: " the story itself can make use of the resources is too high

Rich, even a bit over the top, let people see things in a blur of fight scenes, many wonderful comic moment - we like cutting

At the leaves are too many forests, to find the core goals they have been targeted, in such a beautiful world, plus many

Interesting role, we come very naturally on the initiation of creation desire. "

Because of " Kung Fu Panda " revolves around the protagonist Po expansion, so the film people are gathered together several times, only to discuss

The story should be the direction of development: who is he? What does he want? How was he going to get what you want? What happened? How to end?

All of these are not only by a special scene, a joke or a fragment can be solved, they must maintain living about it

In the process of smooth things, once reached consensus, the thing is much more simple, Glen Berger said: " in the film

Each stage has problems may arise, so whether any time, as long as people put forward different views on some aspects, we are

Will carefully thinking, and then find a solution. " Jonathan Abel continued: " we most often discussed in general are: whether can

To make it more fun? More dramatic? Or the action scenes more exciting point? For an animated film, is interesting

Taste is a very practical significance. "

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