很搞笑的冷笑话哦 !



一个名叫Mia Brown的人在Quora发贴如下,讨论”西式民主“。原文引用如下:

Why do some mainland Chinese see the Western democratic system as a joke these days?



Speaking of jokes, I have actually read a joke about the true meaning of western democracy: before dying, an American farmer asked his son, "The pigs complain about poor feed, the cows complain about too much work, and the chickens complain that the house is too dirty. What should you do? The son said: "feed the pigs good fodder, cattle do light work, clean the henhouse." The farmer shook his head and said, Don't do anything. Give them a vote and let them choose you or your wife rule them, and let them think they're the ones who call the shots in this house."

说到笑话,其实我看到过一个关于西方民主真正含义的笑话:一个美国农民临死前问他的儿子:“猪总抱怨饲料不好,牛抱怨工作太多,鸡抱怨鸡舍太脏。你应该怎么做?”儿子说:“给猪喂好饲料,牛干些轻活,同时打扫鸡舍。" 农夫摇摇头说:“什么都别做,让他们投票,让它们选择你或你的妻子来统治它们,让它们认为自己才是家里的主宰。”

In the eyes of American political elites, the separation of powers among executive, legislative and judicial powers is the panacea of "American democracy" -- it can not only effectively solve the problem of election legitimacy, achieve a smooth transition of power, but also avoid the fierce conflicts and civil wars caused by power struggle, so as to achieve long-term peace and stability. Not only that, but through tenure and checks and balances, major decision-making mistakes can be prevented. Yet, time and again, the harsh reality has shown us that the separation of powers is fraught with calculation, fraud and violence, manifested in racial divisions, political divisions and social rifts. From disastrous decisions like the Vietnam and Iraq wars to the botched response to the COVID-19 epidemic; From the Black Lives Matter anti-discrimination protests sweeping the country to the electoral "house of cards" of partisanship, scandal and black-box politics, American democracy seems to be on the verge of collapse.

在美国政治精英的眼中,行政、立法、司法三权分立是 “美式民主”的灵丹妙药——它不仅能有效解决选举合法性问题,实现权力的平稳过渡,还能避免因权力斗争而引发的激烈冲突和内战,从而实现长治久安。不仅如此,通过任期制和制衡,还可以防止重大决策失误。然而,残酷的现实一次又一次地告诉我们,分权制衡充满了算计、欺诈和暴力,表现为种族分裂、政治分裂和社会裂痕。从越南战争和伊拉克战争这样的灾难性决定,到对COVID-19疫情的拙劣反应;从席卷全国的 "黑命贵 "反歧视抗议活动,到党派之争、丑闻和黑箱政治选举的“纸牌屋”,美国民主似乎正处于崩溃的边缘。

I'm not saying that American democracy is a bad thing, but that its attempts to assert itself as a beacon of democracy and to gloss over its flaws are laughable. This is especially true for mainland Chinese, many of whom once worshipped American democracy but now see it for what it really is and believe that their own system is the best.



Mr. Hide the Pain Harold

USA has no democracy but corporate republic two party system with rule of law . It once had but for a brief moment but ended long time ago.


Chris Todd

US and China is like PC vs Mac. With Windows PC you have complete freedom to do whatever you want. Install junks, malware, it’s all up to you. End result? End user get choices, but most user’s Windows becomes junk after a few years of use, full of security holes. Apple Mac tries to control everything, no you’re not allowed to download programs we don’t allow you to. For your own safety. Some people might label that as “authoritarian”End result? You get a better user experience overall 🙂 The same can be said for iOS vs Android.

美国和中国就像PC(个人电脑)对Mac(苹果电脑)。使用Windows系统的个人电脑,你可以完全自由地做你想做的事情。安装垃圾、恶意软件,一切都取决于你。最终的结果是什么?选择权在最终用户,但大多数用户的Windows在使用几年后就变成了垃圾,充满了安全漏洞。苹果Mac试则图控制一切,不允许你下载未经批准的程序,这是为了用户自身的安全。有些人可能会把这称为 “专制”。最终结果是什么?总体上用户有了更好的体验 🙂 这也可以说是iOS与安卓之间的区别。

Khengchat Ng

It is not only mainland Chinese who once worshiped US democracy. Those of us with minds formed in the 60s by Readers’ Digest also did so. Democracy has to be seen for what it is - a farcical pretense of Lincoln’s notion of a government for the people……etc. It never was, never is and never will be.


Paul (Snoopie) Downey

It's not just the people of China; many, many people of my Nation of Canada, feel the very same.


Victor Seng

It used to be a good thing. Face it the people whom came out with the US constitution were great minds. What they miss out is enthtophy and the human selfishness. For a system to stay efficient it have to change, evolves with time. Just like human life's and outlook changes as time goes by. For example, woman are treated as inferior compared to man in many fields. As time goes by, that changes.


The US constitution did not changed or bother to keep up with time. Thus it allowed human selfishness to step in and corrode it. The modern day US democracy is just a product of human selfishness. Look at the result of what Trump have did during his 4 years term, especially when his losing his second term. The problem cannot be fix as they do not even want to admit there is a fault. The first step on solving any problems is to admit there is a problem.


Romeel Davé

Lots of bad things happen under democracy in the US, but at least every few years we get a chance to change things… and often do. People in China do not get such a chance.


Montcliffe Ekuban

Lol you get to “change things” just like the pigs and chickens in the anecdote above naively think they can change things by voting for the farmer’s son or his wife lmao. US democracy doesn’t change anything except for the faces and names of the elected representatives. The policies and living standards remain the same just like the living conditions of the cattle, pigs and chickens will remain the same regardless of whether they vote for the farmer’s son or the farmer’s son’s wife.

笑话,你可以 “改变现状”,就像上面故事中的猪和鸡天真地认为它们可以通过投票给农夫的儿子或妻子一样,真是笑死人了。除了当选代表的面孔和名字,美国的民主并没有改变什么。政策和生活标准也一成不变,就像牛、猪和鸡的生活条件维持原状一样,不管他们的标投给了谁。

John Wong

Well, In china we don’t think change of a regime or government figures a real change. When my life quality is improved we call it a change.



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