很搞笑的冷笑话哦 !





 1、一个女生前一天晚上得到男朋友的订婚戒指,但竟没有一个同学注意到,令她忿忿不平。到下午大家坐着谈天的时候,她突然站起来大声说:“哎呀,这里真热呀,我看我还是把戒指脱下来吧。”2、女主人把女佣叫到面前问她:“你是否怀孕了?”“是啊!”女佣回道。“亏你还说得出口,你还没有结婚,难道不觉得害羞吗?”女主人再次训。“我为什么要害羞,女主人你自己不也怀孕了吗?”“可是我怀的是我丈夫的!”女主人生气地反驳。“我也是啊!”女佣高兴地附和。3、一个人骑摩托车喜欢反穿衣服,就是把口子在后面扣上,可以挡风。一天他酒后驾驶, 翻了,一头栽在路旁。警察赶到:警察甲:好严重的车祸。警察乙:是啊,脑袋都撞到后面去了。警察甲:嗯,还有呼吸,我们帮他把头转回来吧。警察乙:好.....一、二使劲,转回来了。警察甲:嗯,没有呼吸了.......4、在一条七拐八拐的乡村公路上,因为时常发生车祸,所以常常有一些鬼故事发生,有一天晚上,有一个出租车司机看见路边有一个长发披肩,身着白衣的女人向他招手,因为这个司机没有见过鬼,所以大胆的停下来让她上车了,这一路上,司机虽然不信有鬼,心里也毛毛的,所以时常从后视镜看后面的女人,开着开着,突然司机发现那个女人不见了!司机吓了一大跳,赶紧踩了一个刹车!只见那个女人满脸是血,表情狰狞。司机吓的牙直打颤。突然那女人开口了:“你会不会开车啊!我低头系个鞋带你突然一刹车我把鼻子都撞破了……”5、一个病人去看病,医生检查了他,皱着眉头说:“您病得太严重了,恐怕不会活多久了。” 病人:“求您告诉我我还能活多久?” 医生:“十……” 病人着急地问:“十什么?十年??十个月???十天?????” 医生:“十,九,八,七,六,五……”6、老师:“你能说一些18世纪科学家共同特点吗?”学生:“能,他们都死了。”7、犀粪蜣和蚊子谈恋爱,蜣问蚊子是做什么工作的,蚊子说:“护士,打针的。”蜣一拍大腿:“缘分呐,我是中药局搓药丸的…”8、一非洲人住在某一宾馆。夜半,起火,不明原因。非洲人见状顾不了那么许多,光着身子就跑出去了。消防员见状惊呼:“我的妈呀!都烧的糊了吧区的了还能跑那么快!”9、一个人想出国考察,但必须得到老总批准。于是他向老总请示,老总给了他一张字条,上面写着:“Go ahead”。 那人想:“Go ahead=前进,老总是批准了。”于是他开始打点行李。 一个同事见到了他问:“你在做什啊??”他说:“我准备出国考察,老总批准了,给我写了‘Go ahead’。” 同事一见条就乐了:“咱们老总根本就没批准!!咱老总的英语水平你还不知道,他这是在说去个头!”10、牧师对买了他马和马车的农夫说:“这匹马只能听懂教会的语言,叫"感谢上帝"它就跑;叫"赞美上帝"它才停下。”农夫将信将疑,他试着喊了一声感谢上帝,那匹马立刻飞奔起来,越跑越快。一只跑到悬崖边上惊恐的农夫才想起让它停下来的口令“赞美上帝”。果然,马停下来了。死里逃生的农夫长出一口气:“感谢上帝………”


1 the night before, a girl get boyfriend engagement ring, but no one noticed the classmate, make her antics. You sit and chat in the afternoon, she suddenly stood up and shouted: \"oh, it's really hot in here, I think I'd better take off your ring.\" 2, the mistress called the maid to ask her: \"are you pregnant?\" \"Yes!\" The maid answered. Export \"kui you still say, you are not married, don't you feel shy?\" The hostess training again. \"Why should I be shy, you don't the hostess also pregnant?\" \"But I conceive is my husband!\" The hostess retorted angrily. \"Me too!\" The maid happy to echo. 3, a man riding a motorcycle like the dress, is to cut on the back, can the wind. Drunk driving one day, he turned over, a planted on the road. Police: police a: a good serious car accident. Policeman b: yes, his head hit the back. Po1: well, still breathing, let's help him turn his head back. Po2: good... One, two, turn back. Policeman a: well, not breathing... 4, turn in a curvy country road, because often in a car accident, so often have some ghost story, one night, there's a taxi driver saw the side of the road have a long hair shawls, dressed in a white woman waved to him, because the driver didn't see a ghost, so bold stopped to let her get on the bus, along the way, the driver doesn't believe in ghosts, the in the mind also maomao, so often the woman behind the rearview mirror to see, open open, the driver found the woman suddenly disappeared! The driver startled, hurriedly stepped on a brake! I saw the woman face is blood, grim expression. The driver frighten of teeth chatter. Suddenly the woman spoke: \"would you drive! I bow to fasten shoelaces are you smashed through a sudden brake my nose...\" 5, a patient to see a doctor, the doctor examined him, frowning said: \"you too serious ill, I'm afraid I won't live much longer.\" Patient: \"please tell me how long will I live?\" Doctor: \"ten...\" Patient anxiously asked: \"what? Ten years?? Ten months??? Ten days?????\" Doctor: \"ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five...\" 6, teacher: \"can you say some 18 th-century scientists common characteristics?\" Student: \"yes, they are all dead.\" 7, rhino poop Qiang and mosquito fall in love, Qiang asked a mosquito is to do what work, the mosquito said: \"nurse, give or take an injection.\" Qiang a clap a thigh: \"the fate, I am a traditional Chinese medicine bureau rub pills...\" 8, the africans live in a hotel. In the midnight, a fire, unknown reason. Before rushing so many africans, naked and ran out. Firefighters said exclaimed: \"my mama ah! All paste the burned area can run so fast!\" 9, a person wants to go abroad, but it must be approved by boss. So he to the manager for instructions, the boss gave him a note, it read: \"Go ahead\". The man thought, \"Go ahead = progress, boss is approved.\" So he started to packing. A colleague to see he asked: \"what are you doing?\" He said: \"I'm ready to Go abroad investigation, boss approved, wrote me 'Go ahead'.\" Colleague of joy at the sight of article: \"let's boss haven't approved!!!!! Our boss English don't you know, he is said to head!\" 10, priests to buy his horse and carriage of the farmer said, \"this horse can only understand the language of the church, call\" thank god \"it ran; called\" praise god \"it didn't stop.\" Farmer track, he tried to thank god gave a cry, the horse gallop, immediately ran faster and faster. A run to the edge of the cliff frightened farmer remembered that let it stop password \"praise god\". Sure enough, the horse stopped. Close the farmer grows a sigh: \"thank god.........\"

I played for a long time, please


I Wasn't Asleep When a group of women got on the car, every seat was already occupied. The conductor noticed a man who seemed to be asleep, and fearing he might miss his stop, he nudged him and said: "Wake up, sir!" "I wasn't asleep," the man answered. "Not asleep? But you had your eyes closed." "I know. I just hate to look at ladies standing up beside me in a crowded car." 我没有睡着 当一群妇女上车之后,车上的座位全都被占满了。售票员注意到一名男子好象是睡着了,他担心这个人会坐过站,就用肘轻轻地碰了碰他,说:“先生,醒醒!” “我没有睡着。”那个男人回答。 “没睡着?可是你眼睛都闭上了呀?” “我知道,我只是不愿意看到在拥挤的车上有女士站在我身边而已。”The poor husband"You can't imagine how difficult it is for me to deal with my wife," the man complained to his friend. "She asks me a question, then answers it herself, and after that she explained to me for half an hour why my answer is wrong.可怜的丈夫“你根本无法想象和我妻子打交道是多么的难,”一个男人对他的朋友诉苦说,“她问我一个问题,然后自己回答了,过后又花半个小时跟我解释为什么我的答案是错的。”Where is the father? Two brothers were looking at some beautiful paintings. "Look," said the elder brother. "How nice these paintings are!" "Yes," said the younger, "but in all these paintings there is only the mother and the children. Where is the father?" The elder brother thought for a moment and then explained, "Obviously he was painting the pictures." 父亲在哪儿? 兄弟俩在看一些漂亮的油画。 “看,”哥哥说,“这些画多漂亮呀!” “是啊,”弟弟说道,“可是在所有这些画中,只有妈妈和孩子。那爸爸去哪儿了呢?” 哥哥想了会儿,然后解释道:“很明显,他当时正在画这些画呗。”Does the dog know the proverb, too? The little boy did not like the look of the barking dog. "It's all right," said a gentleman, "don't be afraid. Don't you know the proverb: Barking dogs don't bite?" "Ah, yes," answered the little boy. "I know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb, too?" 狗也知道这个谚语吗? 一个小男孩非常不喜欢狗狂叫的样子。 “没有关系,”一位先生说,“不用害怕,你知道这条谚语吗:‘吠狗不咬人。’” “啊,我是知道,可是狗也知道吗?” 一 Can we have our teacher back? Once a superintendent of schools was visiting a three-room school. One room was very noisy, so the man grabbed a tall boy who had been standing up talking. He took the boy into another room and stood him in the corner. Five minutes later, a smalll boy came out of the first room and said, "When can we have our teacher back?" 能让我们的老师回去吗? 有一次,一位督学去视察一个只有三间教室的学校。一间教室非常吵闹,因此督学抓住其中一个正在站着说话的人,把他带进另一间教室,并让他站在墙角。五分钟以后,一个小男孩从第一间教室走进来,问道,“您什么时候能让我们的老师回去呢?” 二 Who's More Polite? A fat man and a skinny man were arguing about who was the more polite. The skinny man said he was more polite because he always tipped his hat to ladies. But the fat man knew he was more courteous because, whenever he got up and offered his seat, two ladies could sit down. 谁更有礼貌? 一个胖子和一个瘦子在争论谁更有礼貌。瘦子说他更有礼貌,因为他经常对女士摘帽示意。但是胖子认为他更有风度,因为无论什么时候他在车上给别人让座时,总有两位女士能坐下。 三 Expensive Price Dentist: I'm sorry, madam, but I'll have to charge you twenty-five dollars for pulling your son's tooth. Mother: Twenty-five dollars! But I thought you only charged five dollars for an extraction. Dentist: I usually do. But your son yelled so loud, he scared four other patients out of the office. 昂贵的代价 牙科医生:对不起,夫人,为给您的儿子拔牙,我得收二十五美元。 母亲:二十五美元!可是我知道您拔一颗牙只要五美元呀?


The little girl did not like the look of the barking dog."It's all right," said a gentleman, "don't be afraid. Don't you know the proverb: Barking dogs don't bite?""Ah, yes," answered the little girl. "I know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb, too?"




老师在黑板上写了一句:Time is money.并让同学们翻译。有名学生答道:“汤姆是玛丽。”   

小明上英文课时跟老师说:May I go to the toilet?   

老师说:Go ahead.  

小明就坐了下来。过了一会儿,小明又跟老师说:May I go to the toilet?   

老师说:Go ahead.  




某日刘洪涛遇到外宾,上前搭话曰:I am hong tao liu,外宾曰:我TM还是方片七呢!   


江青会见外宾,要求翻译要严格按她的意思翻,不许走样。外宾一见到江青,立刻拍马屁道:"Miss Jiang, you are very beautiful." 翻译照翻,江青心花怒 放,嘴上还要谦虚一下:“哪里,哪里”。  

翻译不敢怠慢,把江青的话翻成英文:"Where? Where?" 外宾一愣,还有这样的人,追问哪里漂亮的,干脆马屁拍到底:"Everywhere, everywhere."  

翻译:“你到处都很漂亮。”江青更高兴了,但总是要客气一下:“不见得,不见得”。翻译赶紧翻成英文:"You are not allowed to see, you are not allowed to see."  


话说某年某月的某一天,叁个神箭手约在一起比箭,目标是十尺外仆人头上的苹果。A神箭手挽弓长射,咻一声,利箭正中苹果。A高傲的昂起下巴,比出一根大 拇指道:「I AM后羿!」  

B神箭手照本宣科,射中苹果,这回他自大的喊了一句:「I AM丘比特!」  

轮到C了,他也挽弓,利箭射出! 结果正中仆人的心脏。就听他结结巴巴好久才吐出一句:「I...I...I...AM...SORRY...」   


某人刻苦学习英语,终有小成。一日上街不慎与一老外相撞, 忙说:I am sorry.   

老外应道:I am sorry too.   

某人听后又道:I am sorry three.   

老外不解,问:What are you sorry for?   

某人无奈,道:I am sorry five. 


一位来自日本的旅客,坐出租车去机场的路上,看到一辆汽车经过,就说:“oh,TOyOTA!Made in Japan! It is very fast!”又有一辆经过,他又说: “oh,NISSAN!Made in Japan! It is very fast!”司机有点不高兴,觉得他太吵了!当第三辆经过时,他还是说:“oh,HONDA!Made in Japan! It is very fast!”  

后来到了机场,那个日本人就问:“How Much?”出租车司机说:“1000!”  

日本人惊奇的问司机:“为什么那么贵?”出租车司机回答说:“oh,mileometer(计 程表)!Made in Japan! It is very fast!” 


传说克林顿和教皇同一天去世,上帝搞错了,把克林顿送上了天堂,而把教皇送入了 地狱。发现错误后上帝马上改了回来,路上二人相遇。 精彩继续教皇:感谢上帝,我终于能见到圣母玛利亚了(Virgin Maria). 克林顿(坏笑中):Sorry,it"s too late. 



小强转头就对老外说:no sit see, stand see. if see stand see. 

老外回答说:Sorry I don’t understand your English.  


踩了一个老外的脚,为了显示咱国家是有名的礼仪之邦,就先SORRY啦,老外更是礼貌有加,就来个sorry too. 

two??the chinese puzzled.恩,咱中国人还不是得礼尚往来?!~那就I am sorry three~   这下老外蒙了,一句what are you sorry for? 

晕,还有完没完啊,还FOUR?!~哼,偶跟你卯上了,Iam sorry five~(who怕 who?!~) 




"Are we poisonous?" the young snake asked his mother.  "Yes, dear," she replied - "Why do you ask?"  "Cause I've just bitten my tongue! "                     

“我们有毒吗?”一个年幼的蛇问它的母亲。“是的,亲爱的,”她回答说,“你问这个干什么?”  “因为我刚刚咬破自己的舌头。”



A wise teacher sends this note to all parents on the first day of school: "If you promise not to believe everything that your child says happens at school, I'll promise not to believe everything he says happens at home."



A man was walking on the beach one day and he found a bottle half buried in the sand. He decided to open it. Inside was a genie. The genie said," I will grant you three wishes and three wishes only." The man thought about his first wish and decided, "I think I want 1 million dollars transferred to a Swiss bank account. POOF! Next he wished for a Ferrari red in color. POOF! There was the car sitting in front of him. He asked for his final wish, " I wish I was irresistible to women." POOF! He turned into a box of chocolates.



There was ice on the road, and the doctor's car hit a tree and turned over three times.To his surprise, he was not hurt. He got out of the car and walked to the nearest house.He wanted to telephone the garage for help.The door was opened by one of his patients.

"Oh,Doctor,"she said, "I have only just telephoned you. You must have a very fast car. You have got here very quickly indeed. There has been a very bad accident on the road outside. I saw it through the window. I am sure the driver will need your help."





1、住校,晚上天气闷热,又没有电,于是把凉席铺到楼道睡。刚躺下就被蚊子编队围住…翻箱倒柜找出盘蚊香,点上放在脚底下,这才安然睡去…又不到一个钟头,我被一声男人的尖叫惊醒,我大怒,只见一人影哆哆嗦嗦地说:“你、你大爷的!铺个草席躺楼道里就够吓人的了,还烧柱香…” 2、有一人独自在森林中冒险,突然发现自己被食人族重重包围。于是对天空大喊:“我死定了,上帝救救我!” 只见天空出现一到光传来一个声音:“还不一定,你再捡起地上一颗大石头,把带头的酋长砸死。”于是他捡起地上最大的一颗石头,狠狠的砸向酋长,正好把酋长砸死。族人全都呆了一呆,接着怒目相向,这时天上又传来一阵声音:“现在你才真的死定了。” 3、就是这个味道 从前有位老公公,他很喜欢喝他太太给他煮的汤,他只要一天不喝就全身不舒服。后来他太太死了,他喝不到那样的汤了,就很伤心,于是开始叫他媳妇煮。 可是不论他媳妇煮得再好,他总是把它丢在一旁说:"不是这个味道,这么难喝的汤你也煮的出来啊!"刚开始媳妇总是忍声吞气,但日子一天一天地过去了,她依然煮不出来。终于她起了杀机,要杀了她公公。可是她不知道要怎样下手,她想啊想的,突然她在角落发现了一罐已生锈不堪的杀虫剂。 她把杀虫剂喷到汤里,然后鼓起勇气拿给她公公喝,只见她公公大叫说:“就是这个味道!就是这个味道!” 4、校订票处:现在车票极为紧张,你要的那班火车票如果没有,你服从调剂吗? 我:服从。 第二天拿到票后我怒了:我订的是到山东的票,为什么给我到山西的!!! 校订票处:你不是说服从调剂吗? 5、某企业人事部的员工X某,最近被调到楼下的公关部。 这天,他朋友打电话到原部门:“X某在吗?” X某的同事答:“他已经不在人事了。” 朋友:“啊?他……什么时候过去的?” 同事:“上礼拜。”朋友:“我怎么都不知道……也没有送他一程……” 同事: “没关系啊,下去找他不就好了么?” 朋友: 啊,你真会开玩笑…… 同事:不是开玩笑,他走的时候说了,要是谁想他了,随时欢迎去下面找他玩。 朋友:…… 这不方便吧…… 同事:嗯,白天确实不方便,那我让他晚上去找你吧!! 6、早上起来看到一则网易评论 一楼:大家冷静一些,都过来,听听5楼怎么说? 二楼:我认为5楼说得很有道理。 三楼:5楼说出了人民群众的心声 四楼:5楼确实说的很好! 五楼:楼上的都是SB!! 7、某女和老公吵了架心里很不舒服,趁老公熟睡的时候我蹲在他头部上方准备放个屁给他闻闻好解气,谁料用力过猛直接把一堆屎拉在了他的脸上。(很好笑,不过也很呕) 8、有一次下课打铃大家都要回家,下楼梯时一男生左脚踩到自己右脚,“啪”的以大字型的姿势摔在了路中央..他当时就想:不对,糗大了,得装晕。 结果旁边的同学看那男生一动不动,赶紧扶起他,然后左右开打狂扇耳光... 9、从前,美国人到俄国观光。有一天在俄国的道路上看到二个俄国工人,一个拿把铲子,正在道路旁挖洞,而且每三公尺就挖一个洞,另一个工人却跟着把前一个工人刚挖好的洞马上回填起来,如此反复不停的持续着.... 美国人觉得好奇,便问第一位俄国工人:『为什么你一挖好洞,后面那位仁兄就把洞给填起来咧?』 俄国工人回答说:『我们是在绿化道路,我挖洞、第二个人种树、第三个人填土。不过第二个人今天请假没来。』 10、清明节到了,昨晚我和家人一起下楼烧纸钱祭奠祖先,留我妹看家。一回来妹就跟我说:“哥~刚好几个人在网上跟你说话,我都帮你回复了!”我很好奇滴看了一下消息记录,结果···天啊我老妹居然给我回:对不起,我哥不在了,除非我去帮他烧纸,不然他没法上来跟你们说话···


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