很搞笑的冷笑话哦 !





于是将“how are you?”理解为“怎么是你?”;又因为“old”是“老”

于是将“how old are you?”理解为“怎么老是你?”


一个妇人请来装修公司为房子的地板翻新,她警告那些装修工人说: “你们要特别小心搬动这张餐桌,因为它是属于路易十四(法国皇帝)时代的古董 (It goes back to Louis the Fourteenth,可以解为: “在十四日,它会返回路易那里去。”)。”

其中一个工人听后点头同意,对她说: “你不要难过,如果我在星期五不付清余款的话,我家客厅全套家具,会在十六日返回西尔斯公司那里去。(my whole living room set goes back to Sears on the sixteenth)”


那些年我们学英语闹过的笑话 敢不敢说出来让大


When I just got in the classroom, I said "I'm so hot" and took off my coat…

我一走进教室就说“I'm so hot(我太性感啦)”,然后脱掉了我的外套……

这位同学实际上想表达的是“I feel so hot(我太热了)”。


Once in my English class in high school, when we just learned the grammar for "so is it" and "so it is", my teacher asked me to stand up to have a short conversation with her. She pointed at our monitor and said, "His English is good," expecting me to answer, "Yes, so he is." However, I replied proudly, "So am I."

一次在高中英语课上,我们在学习“so is it”和 “so it is”的用法。老师让我站起来和她进行一小段对话。她指着我们班长说:“His English is good(他英语很好)”,然后等着我回答,“Yes, so he is(是的,的确如此)”。然而,我骄傲的回答道:“So am I(我英语也很好)”。


Once when I talked with my American friends about something interesting in my family, I wanted to say that my mom would tell some lies to tease my dad. But I said my mom cheated on him… After a long time, I started to realize my mistake and understand the sympathy my friends showed me.

有一次我和我的美国朋友聊起我家的趣事,我原本想说,我妈会撒谎(lie)逗我爸玩儿。但是说出来的却是“My mom cheated on him(我妈对我爸不忠)”……很久之后,我才意识到自己的错误,终于明白为啥朋友们都对我表示同情。

很多人常常将cheat和lie混为一谈,但其实两者有很大区别。Lie表示说谎、撒谎,而cheat则指欺诈、欺骗,cheat on可表示对配偶或伴侣不忠。


The awkward experience when I tried to buy a snap-on case for my HTC in Oxford:


Me: Hey, I want a snap-on case for my HTC G qi (the Chinese pinyin for seven).

Salesman: For what?

Me: G qi.

Salesman: What?

Me: G! Qi!

Salesman: G… what?

Me: … G seven.

我:嗨,我想要一个HTC G七。






我:……G seven


When I messaged my foreign professor, he always used some abbreviations. So sometimes I also used this form such as 3Q for thank you. One day I suddenly realized that foreigners pronounce 3 as "three" rather than Chinese pinyin "san" (whose pronunciation sounds similar to "thank")…

当我给我的外国教授发信息时,他总是用缩写。所以我有时也会这样,比如用3Q代替thank you。有一天,我突然意识到老外的3是three,不是中文的“san(发音同thank接近)”。


When I traveled in Bali I wanted some matcha-flavored ice cream, but I didn't remember how to say matcha in English. At that moment, I saw the "mocha-flavored" ice cream on the menu and I was very excited, thinking, "Wow! Another Chinglish!" (Matcha in Chinese pinyin is "mocha".) But it turned out that it was the flavor of a kind of coffee…



网络上有一则新闻,引起了很多网友的注意,就是岳云鹏把sorry拼成了soory,有网友就特别疑惑,你因为英语曾经闹过什么笑话?有一次我坐公交车的时候,有一个人不小心踩到了,我那个人是外国人,他说了一句sorry。我立马回了一句,you are welcome。当时我就震惊了。

我相信大家都知道一件事情,就是小时候我们曾经学过一些英语的固定搭配,比如如果有人跟你说thank you的时候,也就是感谢你的时候,你要回答她,you are welcome或者not at all。这两个的意思就是没关系或者不用谢。所以我一直记得这一句话,无论谁跟我说thank you我都会说you are welcome。


这个人是一个外国友人,他很可能不知道如何用中文表达对不起,所以呢,他用的是英文,连忙说了一句,sorry。这个时候我就随便回了一句哇,我要看我当时还没有反应过来哪里不对劲,后来我发现you are welcome是没关系的意思。根本就不是跟sorry搭配在一起的。




1. Niu to learn English translation of the article

English classes, the teacher asked Niu: "HOW ARE YOU What does it mean?"

Niu like: HOW is the "how", ARE is "yes", YOU are "you" and then answered: "how are you?"

Surprised teacher was soon asked: "HOW OLD ARE YOU What does it mean?"

Niu immediately answered: how do you keep? "

The teacher textbooks appear immediately on a blood red!!

2. Niu's got it wrong to learn English papers

Niu in a bus, be careful not to step on the other foot foreigner, Niu said very politely: I AM SORRY!

Foreigners also have very good: I AM SORRY TOO!

A Niu, how? That foreigners do and I count more than! I am afraid he is not. Retaliate Road, then: I AM SORRY THREE!

That a foreigner, some confused: WHAT ARE YOU SORRY FOR?

Niu imagined back on the last sentence: I AM SORRY FIVE.

Niu triumphantly, that foreigners collapsed to the ground, has been unconscious!

3. Niu to learn English to work on the chapter

Niu's hard to learn English in the next progress soon. For some of the English language is under control in the habit. Soon to seek a very good company to work. One day, Niu called Secretary of the documents referred to the boss: "The report The boss, next month, a group of European orders, I think companies need to send people to deal with you. "Boss in the back of official documents signed:" GO A HEAD! "Niu received, immediately instructed subordinates buy air tickets, travel to, While finishing his luggage. Provisional starting that day, Secretary of the block down.

Secretary: Are you going to do?

Niu: At a meeting of the European ah!

Secretary: the boss agreed to it?

Niu: not the boss said to me, "GO AHEAD" it?

Secretary: to the company for so long, you do not know the owner of the English language it? Boss means: "to turn back!"

4. Niu times smaller, at home to open a restaurant at home. Niu is an excellent small greeter. One day, a foreign friend came to the restaurant to eat, because not very familiar with the Chinese eat, be careful not to a bowl Broke. That foreigners do not quite understand the Chinese, English had to explain to Niu. Niu which at that time Hou understand ah! Hear straight frown. Li Wu came from cattle at this time my father's voice: "What happened?"

Niu quickly replied: "hit the bowl!"

A foreigner, "ONE DOLLAR?" He thought it was necessary to compensation for a dollar, Qu Tao hand on the wallet.

Niu Li Wu from the father, asked: "Who?"

A foreigner, well, how they become "THREE DOLLAR", but do not think it is acceptable, ready to pay for it!

Niu, pointing to a foreigner, said: "He's playing!"

A foreigner, not good, "TEN DOLLAR" It also rose to about ten dollars, how it got scared quickly running out!!

5. Niu opened a grocery store one day a foreigner to buy a pen, Niu said: "Pen", Niu holding a basin to the foreigners, the foreigners said, shaking his head: "No No".'s Angry Niu said: " This basin does not leak!. "Niu said that only foreigners:" Good-Bye ", Niu Niu is to say:" You only weird! "

These are to be translated.

I hope that the errant shot saved, I do slide, so they need the Chinese and English, tomorrow will be spent this slide. On-line, and so I hope that you hurry up and help me, thank Dae self! ! ! Grateful! ! !









汉语动词“上”与“起”有时意思是相同,如“上楼”和“起身”都是身体向上的意思。但有时意思却相反,如“上床”和“起床”就是两码事。一位美国女生孩和辅导她学汉语的中国男邻居一起 应邀出席朋友的晚会。因时间太晚,又喝多了酒,就留宿在朋友家里。临休息前,美国女孩给中国男孩递来一张纸条:“明天我们一起上床吧!”她的意思是明天一道起床离开。可是这张纸条,却害得中国男孩半宿没有睡安稳。





















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